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SBC Groups

Life is better together! So come, join a group at SBC

Life Groups

Church is more than a large group of people who gather together to worship on a Sunday. People also need time to share and grow in their faith in smaller, more intimate contexts.

That's where Life Groups come in. These are groups of around five to twenty people, which meet, typically weekly, in homes and other venues throughout the area. They are a great way to build friendships, study scripture, pray and support one another. 

There are a variety of groups to choose from, meeting at different times and days of the week. Some meet during the day, others in the evenings. And although the groups all share the same core values and beliefs, each has its own style and feel, so you are encouraged to try a few out to find the group that best suits you, even if it isn't the closest geographically. 

Other Activities

Many other groups meet during the week at SBC, and we've shown some examples below.

Further details of these and all other group activities will be in the SBC weekly news sheet, which you can subscribe to by contacting the SBC Office team or via the Connect form (and ticking 'Receive general emails').

20s to 30s


We are developing a new social group with some exciting activities currently being planned.

So, if you think this is for you, then please get in contact. We'd love to hear from you!



Explore life, faith and meaning by attending an Alpha course at SBC.

If you want to know more, get your questions answered, or maybe you are just curious about God, then why not join us on our next course?

Getting Baptised


We think baptism is a brilliant way to express to family and friends that you have made a personal commitment to follow Jesus.


If you are interested in exploring baptism further, then please contact our Senior Minister, Mat Wilson, directly.

Women's Fellowship


The ladies' meeting on Monday afternoons has been popular among many people for a long time. It meets at 2:00pm at Shirley Baptist Church.


There is a varied programme of speakers, and each afternoon includes worship and prayer as a central part of the programme.

Place of Welcome


Held every Tuesday between 1:00-3:00pm in the SBC Hub, this is a time for people to share life together - sharing hobbies and local knowledge and offering friendship while enjoying free refreshments.


Drop in any time and stay for as long or as little as you like. 

Men's Breakfast


The Kairos coffee shop opens at 9:00am on the first Saturday of every month for the Men’s Breakfast.


There is an open invitation for men to enjoy an hour together chewing over a topical issue whilst enjoying bacon or sausage bap and a hot drink. 


If you are interested in joining any of the SBC groups, then please either:


We'd love to hear from you!

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